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1 Seasons - 24 Episodes

2024 ON AIR 23 min 218

One night, nearly all of the humans in town die all at once. Shortly after, high school student Saneatsu, along with the rest of the few remaining humans, receives a message through a monitor from someone calling themselves “Emperor”. Every night from now on, the “missing majority” will be carried out, and the “majority group” of people will die. In other words, at the very least, the remaining human population will be cut in half each night. Can our protagonist survive this game rife with betrayal, conspiracy, and despair?

Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Drama

Cast: Anna Nagase, Daisuke Ono, Jun Kasama, Kazuki Ura, Kenjiro Tsuda, KENN, Kouki Osuzu, Shiori Mikami, Shuta Morishima, Yuka Terasaki, Yuki Nakashima, Yuto Uemura


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